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To use the Redux extensions please add the bloc-redux artifact as a dependency in the Gradle build file:



The extension is built on top of two open-source libraries.

Redux Kotlin

Redux Kotlin is the actual state container and a port of JS Redux. While the library is mature, it doesn't seem to be maintained any more.

To get it to work with current versions of Kotlin and different plugins, I had to fork the repo at -> The latter is also published on Maven Central with a different group id / artifact id than the original.


Reselect is a Redux Reselect implementation to create memoized "selector" functions.

Memoized "selector" functions are functions that:

  • select sub state from the Redux state tree
  • subscribe to that sub state
  • inform the caller whenever that particular sub state in the state tree changes
  • ignore changes in other parts of the state tree
  • cache the selected state transparently for the caller (that's the memoized part)

Reselect doesn't seem to be maintained any more. Since it has at least one critical bug, needed some updates and only consists of two files, I decided to include the whole library in the Redux extension module.