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Kotlin Bloc is a Multiplatform UI framework combining the best of MVI, MVVM and SAM. It's

  • simple: designed from the ground up for simplicity with a super concise syntax
  • adaptable: supports different programming styles (MVI, MVVM+, Redux...)
  • predictable: write reactive applications that behave consistently and are easy to debug and test
  • composable: grows with the complexity of the app and the size of the team

Bloc Architecture - Overview

  • The Bloc (Business Logic Component) encapsulates the application's business logic. It receives Action(s) from the view, processes those actions and outputs Proposals and optionally SideEffect(s).
  • The BlocState holds the component's State. It's separate from the actual Bloc to support different scenarios like:
    • share state between business logic components
    • persist state (database, network)
    • use a global state container like Redux