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Bloc Redux

The ReduxBlocState is a BlocState with some "superpowers":

  • Proposals are dispatched to the Redux store without modification -> Proposals are the Redux actions
  • a selector function selects sub state from the global state tree -> ReduxModel
  • a mapper function maps the selected sub state / ReduxModel to bloc State

Combining Redux with Kotlin Bloc can mean more than using the store as a global state container. We can leverage all the Redux functionality the library has to offer, e.g.:

  • when Proposals are dispatched to the Redux store, they can be processed directly or go through middleware (e.g. thunk-middleware) before state is altered
  • the store can have its own reducers that work in conjunction with the Bloc reducers
  • state can be altered by dispatching actions directly to the store

Building ReduxBlocState

Like for regular BlocState, there's also a builder for ReduxBlocState although the builder itself is used only internally. To create a ReduxBlocState there's an extension function toBlocState():

val blocState = reduxStore.toBlocState(
context = context,
select = { reduxModel -> reduxModel.counter },
map = { model -> model.count }

To use a Redux store as BlocState, create the store first, then call toBlocState() providing the BlocContext, a select and a map function.

The ReduxBlocState built above can be used like any regular BlocState when creating a Bloc:

bloc<Int, Action, Nothing, ReduxAction>(context, blocState) {
// reducer, thunks etc.

The BlocContext is needed because ReduxBlocState subscribes to the Redux store and needs to unsubscribe when the bloc is destroyed (see also Reselect).