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If you haven't read the chapter about BlocContext yet, you should do so. It's crucial to understanding how blocs are tied to the different Android lifecycles.

Creating a bloc always requires a BlocContext. On Android that process is rather complicated (fear not, that's why there are the extensions discussed here). The main part needed to create a BlocContext is the correct Lifecycle.


As explained here, there are four lifecycles. What we need for the BlocContext is an Essenty Lifecycle which is the one determining when the bloc is created, started, stopped and destroyed.

The view lifecycle can be an Activity/Fragment lifecycle, a Composable lifecycle or something similar, depending on what tech is being used for the View. A bloc should not be tied to that lifecycle since it's too short lived and it would typically lose state upon configuration changes.

On Android side we want a ViewModel "lifecycle" to be the one connecting the View lifecycle and the Essenty Lifecycle.


In an Android ViewModel, use the blocContext() extension function to create a BlocContext. blocContext() creates a context that is tied to the ViewModel's "lifecycle":

class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {

private val bloc = bloc(blocContext())

Those familiar with the Android ViewModel know that those ViewModels have a really basic lifecycle and not one that can be retrieved like the Activity's lifecycle. Most frameworks solve that problem by providing a BaseViewModel class that uses the onCleared() function to create an artificial ViewModel lifecycle. That solution forces you to extend their BaseViewModel, an annoying solution in a language that doesn't support multiple inheritance. Kotlin Bloc offers a better solution using coroutines / viewModelScope to tie into the ViewModel lifecycle so there's no need to extend a BaseViewModel.


Android ViewModels are great to retain state across configuration changes but if the business logic is implemented with a bloc in a platform agnostic way, they become just proxies between the View and the Bloc. Their only "added-value" would be to provide the lifecycle. Some frameworks solved this by providing a platform independent ViewModel implementation (like KaMPKit).

Kotlin Bloc has a better solution:

class CounterActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private val bloc by getOrCreate { bloc(it) }

That small piece of code getOrCreate { bloc(it) } does a lot for you:

Ultimately you get a bloc that is tied to a ViewModel (which is created under-the-hood) with a lifecycle that is determined by the ViewModel's lifecycle

The expression's builder block receives it = BlocContext as argument and can use it to instantiate a bloc or some other component that needs a BlocContext. Here's another example:

class PostsActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private val component: PostsComponent by getOrCreate { PostsComponentImpl(it) }


class BooksActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

private val useCase: BooksUseCase by getOrCreate { BooksUseCaseImpl(it, BooksRepositoryImpl()) }

Instead of creating a hard dependency on the implementing component PostsComponentImpl, we can use dependency injection. With Koin we would do:

private val component: PostsComponent by getOrCreate {
get(parameters = { parametersOf(it) })

// with this definition in the Koin module:
factory<PostsComponent> { PostsComponentImpl(it.get()) }

The Key

Some might have noticed that getOrCreate() has a optional key parameter. The key is needed to store/retrieve the component instantiated in the lambda / builder block and it's default value is Component::class. If the builder block returns a Bloc instance then the key value is com.onegravity.bloc.Bloc. That key ignores the bloc's generic types (which are erased at runtime) that make the bloc unique. If getOrCreate() is used to create/retrieve blocs with different generic types in the context of the same Activity, it would use the same key for different blocs which would lead to a ClassCastException.

In the Posts sample app, the two fragments use different blocs but obviously run in the context of the same Activity (and thus use the same ViewModelStore).

Doing this would crash the app when the second bloc is created (it would find the Posts bloc object and return it because that one is stored under the com.onegravity.bloc.Bloc key):

// PostsFragment
val bloc: PostsBloc by getOrCreate { Posts.bloc(it) }

// PostFragment
val bloc: PostBloc by getOrCreate { Post.bloc(it) }

Providing a unique key solves the problem:

// PostsFragment
val bloc: PostsBloc by getOrCreate("posts") { Posts.bloc(it) }

// PostFragment
val bloc: PostBloc by getOrCreate("post") { Post.bloc(it) }