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To use the Jetpack Compose extensions please add the bloc-compose artifact as a dependency in the Gradle build file:



Observing a bloc's state in a Composable is very easy due to the observeState extensions functions:

fun MyComposable(bloc: MyBloc)
val state by bloc.observeState()

The state property above is of type State so state changes will trigger the Composable to recompose.

Here's a more comprehensive example:

fun ToDo(bloc: Bloc<List<ToDo>, ToDoAction, Unit>) {
val state: List<ToDo> by bloc.observeState()

var text: String by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf("") }

Column {
value = text,
onValueChange = { text = it },
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(imeAction = ImeAction.Done),
keyboardActions = KeyboardActions(
onDone = {
// when we hit the enter key, add a new todo item to our list
text = ""

LazyColumn {
// the list of todo items will update automatically when items are
// added, removed or modified
items(state) { todo ->
Row {
// updates automatically when the item's completion status changes
checked = todo.completed,
onCheckedChange = {
// this will modify the todo item's completion status
Text(text = todo.description)

observeState is available for Bloc, BlowOwner, BlowObservable and BlocObservableOwner.


observeSideEffects is the equivalent of observeState but for side effects:

internal fun MenuEntries(bloc: MenuBloc) {
val sideEffect by bloc.observeSideEffects()

sideEffect?.let { menuEntry ->
val context = LocalContext.current
val intent = Intent(context, menuItem2Activity[menuEntry])

observeSideEffects is available for Bloc, BlowOwner, BlowObservable and BlocObservableOwner.

Composable Preview

To create Composable Previews use the previewBlocContext() function that creates a BlocContext which is required to create a Bloc:

fun MenuEntriesPreview() {
val bloc = MainMenuCompose.bloc(previewBlocContext())
MenuEntries(bloc, Modifier.fillMaxWidth().fillMaxHeight())

previewBlocContext() creates a Lifecycle tied to the lifecycle of the Composable so it's shorter lived than the "real" lifecycle but it's good enough for a preview.