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The "Hello World" sample of UI frameworks is the counter app. There are three sample implementations in this framework that demonstrate:

  • how to use a Bloc as BlocState
  • how to use a Redux store as BlocState
  • how to define a Bloc in the view itself (Android only)

Counter 1

SimpleCounter demonstrates how a Bloc can be used as BlocState (see also Bloc is a BlocState) basically intercepting the "communication" between a Bloc and it's BlocState.

All it takes to "convert" a Bloc to a BlocState is the extension function asBlocState():

fun bloc(context: BlocContext) = bloc<Int, Action>(
interceptorBloc1(context, 1).asBlocState()
) {

Using a Bloc as BlocState is not recommended. All business logic related to a view component should be implemented in a single bloc. Even the auditTrailBloc in the example that just adds some logging, isn't a good example because an audit trail would typically be implemented at the source of truth and that's the BlocState, not some intercepting Bloc.

Counter 2

ReduxCounter demonstrates how a Bloc connects to a Redux store as it's BlocState. The store intentionally has a more complex model than what we need for a simple counter to demonstrate how to compose reducers for different Blocs and how to select sub state:

// the model
data class Purpose(val title: String, val description: String)
data class Counter(val count: Int, val lastValue: Int)
data class ReduxModel(val purpose: Purpose, val counter: Counter)
// reducers
private fun purposeReducer(state: Purpose, action: Any) = when (action) {
is ReduxAction.UpdateTitle -> state.copy(title = action.value)
is ReduxAction.UpdateDescription -> state.copy(description = action.value)
else -> state

private fun counterReducer(state: CounterStore.Counter, action: Any) = when (action) {
is ReduxAction.UpdateCount -> Counter(action.value, state.count)
else -> state

private fun rootReducer(state: CounterStore.ReduxModel, action: Any) = ReduxModel(
purpose = purposeReducer(state.purpose, action),
counter = counterReducer(state.counter, action)
// select sub state
context = context,
select = { reduxModel -> reduxModel.counter },
map = { model -> model.count }

Counter 3

The third implementation is Android only and moves the "business logic" right into the View / Activity:

class CounterActivityCompose : AppCompatActivity() {

private val bloc by getOrCreate { bloc<Int, Int>(it, 1) { reduce { state + action } } }

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

setContent {
// observe State
val state by bloc.observeState()

// display State
Text(text = stringResource(R.string.counter_value, state))

// send Actions to the Bloc
onClick = { bloc.send(1) },
content = { Text(text = "Increment") }
onClick = { bloc.send(-1) },
content = { Text(text = "Decrement") }

Typically the business logic is in a shared component so it can be used in Android and iOS.