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Coroutine Launcher

There are extension functions for InitializerContext, ThunkContext and ReducerContext to launch coroutines from initializers, thunks and reducers. They come in two "flavors":

// flavor 1
thunk {
launch(JobConfig(cancelPrevious = true, jobId = "MyJob")) {
// some asynchronous code

// flavor 2
thunk {
launch {
// some asynchronous code

Flavor 1: JobConfig

The JobConfig has two properties:

  1. cancelPrevious: If set to false (default) a coroutine is simply launched, no additional checks. If set to true however, all previous jobs that were started with the same jobId, will be cancelled and the coroutine is suspended till all jobs have finished (cancelAndJoin).
  2. jobId: if cancelPrevious is true, then the jobId can be used to group different jobs together to make sure only one of them is run at a time. The jobId defaults to "DefaultJobId".

Using the JobConfig we can e.g. launch/cancel asynchronous operations when a thunk is triggered multiple times like in this example:

// the user can select multiple posts within a brief period of time
fun onSelected(post: Post) = thunk {
// only load if not already being loaded and if a different post was selected
if (loadingJob != null && != {

// we cancel a previous loading job before starting a new one from the Bloc's CoroutineScope
// -> it's also cancelled when the Bloc is stopped
launch(JobConfig(true)) {


Flavor 2: No JobConfig

If a coroutine needs to be launched regardless whether there's already a job running for the same action, just do:

fun onSelected(post: Post) = thunk {
// only load if not already being loaded and if a different post was selected
if (loadingJob != null && != {

launch {


The CoroutineScope could be exposed through the context (InitializerContext, ThunkContext, ReducerContext) in order to facilitate the launch of new coroutines. However I decided to encapsulate that scope to prevent "unauthorized operations". This design decision could be changed in the future.

Manual Cancellation

Launch returns a Cancel function that can be used to cancel the coroutine "manually":

private var cancel: Cancel? = null

fun onSelected(post: Post) = thunk {
// only load if not already being loaded and if a different post was selected
if (loadingJob != null && != {

cancel = launch {


fun onDestroy() {
// more cleanup