fun <State : Any, Action : Any, SideEffect : Any, Proposal : Any> Bloc<State, Action, SideEffect>.reduceAnd(reducer: ReducerNoAction<State, Effect<Proposal, SideEffect>>)
Submit a Reducer with side effects to a Bloc to be run. The reducer will receive the state but no action (since it was triggered "manually", not by sending an action to the Bloc).
fun <State : Any, Action : Any, SideEffect : Any, Proposal : Any> BlocOwner<State, Action, SideEffect, Proposal>.reduceAnd(reducer: ReducerNoAction<State, Effect<Proposal, SideEffect>>)
Submit a Reducer with side effects to a BlocOwner/Bloc to be run. The reducer will receive the state but no action (since it was triggered "manually", not by sending an action to the Bloc).