
@JvmName(name = "blocProposalEqualsStateInitialValue")
fun <State : Any, Action : Any, SideEffect : Any> bloc(context: BlocContext, initialValue: State, block: BlocBuilder<State, Action, SideEffect, State>.() -> Unit = {}): Bloc<State, Action, SideEffect>

Creates a Bloc instance using a BlocBuilder.

  • Proposal == State

  • initialValue instead of BlocState as argument

bloc<State, Action, SideEffect>(context, initialValue) {

@JvmName(name = "blocNoSideEffects")
fun <State : Any, Action : Any> bloc(context: BlocContext, blocState: BlocState<State, State>, block: BlocBuilder<State, Action, Unit, State>.() -> Unit = {}): Bloc<State, Action, Unit>

Creates a Bloc instance using a BlocBuilder.

  • Proposal == State

  • no side effects

bloc<State, Action>(context, blocState) {

@JvmName(name = "blocNoSideEffectsInitialValue")
fun <State : Any, Action : Any> bloc(context: BlocContext, initialValue: State, block: BlocBuilder<State, Action, Unit, State>.() -> Unit = {}): Bloc<State, Action, Unit>

Creates a Bloc instance using a BlocBuilder.

  • initialValue instead of BlocState as argument

  • Proposal == State

  • no side effects

bloc<State, Action>(context, blocState) {