fun <STATE : Any, ACTION : Any, SIDE_EFFECT : Any> Bloc<STATE, ACTION, SIDE_EFFECT>.observeState(): State<STATE>
Adapter for Jetpack / Jetbrains Compose to observe a Bloc's state as androidx.compose.runtime.State:
val state = bloc.observeState()
fun <STATE : Any, ACTION : Any, SIDE_EFFECT : Any, PROPOSAL : Any> BlocOwner<STATE, ACTION, SIDE_EFFECT, PROPOSAL>.observeState(): State<STATE>
Adapter for Jetpack / Jetbrains Compose to observe a BlocOwner's/Bloc's state as androidx.compose.runtime.State:
val state = observeState() // assuming this
is a BlocOwner
fun <STATE : Any, SIDE_EFFECT : Any> BlocObservable<STATE, SIDE_EFFECT>.observeState(): State<STATE>
Adapter for Jetpack / Jetbrains Compose to observe a BlocObservable's/Bloc's state as androidx.compose.runtime.State:
val state = observable.observeState()
fun <STATE : Any, SIDE_EFFECT : Any> BlocObservableOwner<STATE, SIDE_EFFECT>.observeState(): State<STATE>
Adapter for Jetpack / Jetbrains Compose to observe a BlocObservableOwner's/Bloc's state as androidx.compose.runtime.State:
val state = observeState() // assuming this
is a BlocObservableOwner